How WEEE Africa Forum can help you

Our range of services

We would be glad to support you with:

Assessment and consulting

We will be able to advise you once we have analysed your status as a producer and your relevant product spectrum. This provides you with an overview of all obligations and costs in each country. We will also be happy to work with you in deciding where to register.

Contract coordination

We will able to prepare all the necessary contracts and register you with the relevant systems and national registers. We will also provide access to authorise representatives for all countries in which registration and appointment of the representative is required.

Classification of your products

Depending on the legal situation in the Country in question, we will deal with your market declaration and support you with product classification in up to 120 different national categories. Your product portfolio will need to be classified in each Country separately.

Online market declaration

With the aid of an online platform, we will help you with a central collation of quantities that are placed on the market and we will then forward your data to the take-back systems.

Your benefits

We will reduce the complexity of a non-harmonised legal framework for you:

  • One central point of contact
  • Professional administration of the product portfolio
  • Central online market declarations
  • Producer-funded and non-for-profit take-back systems
  • Many years of accumulated experience, resulting in our expert service
  • Excellent price/performance ratio

Your products

Which products are affected by WEEE legislation?

  • Equipment which is dependent on electric currents
  • Electromagnetic fields to work properly
  • <1000V (AC) or <1500V (DC)
  • Not subject to exemption

Your obligations

Compliance – environmental responsibility for all

  • Responsibility of producers for the entire lifecycle of their products
  • Registration to national WEEE registers
  • Financing of collection and recycling of Electronic Waste (WEEE)
  • Put on the Market Declarations (PoM)
  • Take back of WEEE (0:1/1:1)–individually or collectively
  • Information obligations
Professional disposal is not a question of voluntary commitment, or an individual manufacturer’s sense of responsibility but a legal obligation. The EU commission drafted the 1st European Directive in 1988, covering the introduction, recovery, and the environmentally sound disposal of Electrical and Electronic equipment, and establishing the obligations of producers.

Based on the “Polluter Pays” principle, and product stewardship, producers are obliged to finance waste collection and recycling–the so-called WEEE costs.

The 10 WEEE Categories:

  • Large household Appliances
  • Small household appliances
  • IT and telecommunication
  • Consumer electronic/photovoltaic
  • Lighting equipment
  • Electrical and electronic tools
  • Toys or leisure and sports equipment
  • Medical appliances
  • Monitoring and control equipment
  • Automatic dispensers

Sign-up for our e-waste services, today!